THE ART OF INTERIOR » artists » Jaime Ibarra
Jaime Ibarra
conceptual photography
An all-rounder when it comes to art! He is a Flamenco guitarist, graphic designer, Photoshop expert and also an art photographer. Born in Spain, Jaime Ibarra spent his formative years in Australia before graduating in Austin, Texas. He delved into photography and after he found out that commercial work was not for him, he specialized in art photography. He also gives Photoshop workshops and courses. A program he uses to create completely new worlds. Ibarra says he only focuses on the art and not to worry about sales. Only creation counts for him. Jaime Ibarra's work is, according to him, determined by the fact that he has synesthesia. This is a mixture of the senses, causing him to hear colors, for example. For example, with 'Woman with Butterflies' (one of his most famous works), Jaime Ibarra created a colorful fantasy photo of a woman surrounded by swirling butterflies. He often photographs the models he works with with a penetrating facial expression, with eyes that seem to look straight into their soul. His photography always has a certain degree of intensity and dynamism as a result of the pose he chooses as an artist.