THE ART OF INTERIOR » artists » Brendan LeClerq
Brendan LeClerq
the secrets of lightscaping
Brendan de Clercq is an Irish/French photographer and mixed media artist. He is born in 1964 in Dublin, Ireland and received a BA degree in photographic design at the vocational education of photography in Amsterdam.
One day I will make the world's most perfect portrait. One that is capturing emotion to the fullest. One that is the reason I raise the bar in portrait photography every day.
His French father was an acclaimed photographer and documentary filmmaker who shared his strong visual orientation genetically. Brendan’s work is characterized by powerful imagery with a clear emotional expression. He aims to touch his audience emotionally with his work. His portfolio is a direct reflection of himself; his earlier work is dark and full of contrast, currently it is more vibrant and capturing light. He finds inspiration in the creative world around him. Brendan is notorious for transferring his knowledge and capabilities through masterclasses and workshops to motivate and inspire photographers internationally. He is the only certified Profoto trainer in The Netherlands of which there are only 10 worldwide and he is specialized in lightshaping. He also is one of the most spirited ambassadors for Sony.
Brendan is well known for his masterclass ‘the secrets of lightshaping’.